Guests at the Sing! 2025: Trailblazers Quartet & Meantime chorus
This quartet won the BABS quartets competition in 2023 and has had the honour of competing twice in the international BHS competition due to their high score. Check out a preview here: Trailblazers | BABS Quartet Final 2023. The four members also sing in the choir Meantime, our first guest. Trailblazers enjoys a light-hearted approach to music, often performing songs with a cheeky twist. We are excited to have them on board! 😉
We are equally delighted to welcome the guest choir Meantime, the current champions of BABS, who achieved an impressive score of 85.1%. Take a look at them here: Meantime Chorus | 2024 BABS Male Chorus Contest. Both groups will represent BABS at the European Convention in Helsingborg, and we are thrilled they will also be joining us in Apeldoorn.