Practical information – parking – transport – theater
1| Can I park near the theater?
You can park in two places close to the theater:
Parking garage Orpheus
420 spaces, two minutes walk
Soerenseweg 10, Apeldoorn (7314 CD)
Parking garage Museum Centrum
700 places, five minutes walk
Roggestraat 133, Apeldoorn (7311 CC)You can also park your car nearby for free, see!Apeldoorn/
2 | Can I get to the Theatre from my hotel by public transport?
The options for public transport you can use the map on the attached site Everything about the RRReis timetable can be found here
3 | What time does the theater open?
On Friday and Saturday, the theater opens at 08:00. From that moment on, the information desk will be open and groups can go to the warm-up room.
4 | How do I see the latest information about the times?
On the website you will find the latest information about the schedule Program Sing! 2025 barbershop convention – Holland Harmony. When the app is ready, the information can also be found on it. So check both regularly.
5 | What does the Saturday night show look like?
The gold medalists will perform (2 quartets and 2 choirs), the winner of the wildcard will perform, some befriended choirs will perform and our special guests Meantime and Trailblazers.
6 | Can we also sing other songs in the show?
The winners and guests who come into the show can sing whatever they want, within the time allotted. We ask the winners of the wildcard to sing the winning package, after all: that’s why they got that prize and not everyone has seen or heard it!
7 | What equipment is available during the Festival Stage?
In the registration form you can indicate what technical support you need during your performance. If this is not available, we will contact you in good time. If there is no message, you can count on it being available.
Badges, information, warm-up rooms, changing rooms
8 | Where do we get our badges, pins, etc.?
For each participating group (quartet or choir) there is an envelope at the information desk of the Festival (entrance West of Orpheus). This is given to the contact person of the group, or to the person who comes to collect the envelope first. The information desk is open on Friday and Saturday from 08:00 until 5 minutes before the start of the final or show.
9 | I come to the theater before the rest of my group. Can I get my stuff out of the envelope at the info desk?
Whoever reports first from a group receives EVERYTHING for the entire group and is therefore responsible at that moment for everything to be provided to the other members of the group. At the information desk we note the mobile number of the person who has brought everything for the group in question, so that the others who report can contact us.
10 | What prep rooms do we have, and at what time can we move in?
Each group is assigned a prep room. Information about this is in the envelope that you pick up at the information desk. The prep room is available to the group for about 20 minutes in total.
11 | Do we get back into our prep room and can we leave our stuff there?
The prep room is available to the group for 20 minutes. You won’t come back here after the performance. You can take things like water bottles and handbags to the stage. There is a box there where it can go during your performance. After the performance you can take it out again.
12 | Will we return to our room that we have rented and until when will it be available?
If you have rented a room, it is for 1.5 hours. That’s the time until the prep room. You won’t come back to the warm-up room after your performance either. When you rent a warm-up room, the intention is that you effectively use that time for warming/focusing etc. Changing, make-up, etc. is best done in the specially equipped dressing room for women and changing room for men. There are mirrors and clothing racks and you can hang your clothes there, all day long.
We recommend that you bring valuables to the guarded cloakroom.
13 | Do I need to bring the Holland Harmony lanyard that I already have?
Bring your own lanyard! Don’t forget the plastic cover that comes with it. Additional lanyards are available at the information desk.
14 | Will the Firsttimers get a first-timer pennant again? Do we still have to register them?
This time we don’t have a pennant, we spend on it in a different way. However, it is important that the choir/quartet itself passes this on before teh 1st of Februar. This can be done by sending an e-mail to
15 |Can fans come and listen?
Certainly, please. Everyone is welcome! Single tickets are available while stocks last.
16 | Where can I buy the entrance tickets?
Entrance tickets can be purchased in advance via the website of Holland Program Sing! 2025 barbershop convention – Holland Harmony. The confirmation you receive on your email must be shown (on mobile phone or printed) at the information desk of the Festival (Entrance West of Orpheus Apeldoorn), after which an entrance ticket will be handed over.Tickets are also still for sale at the information desk of the Festival at the entrance of the theatre. The ticket can only be ordered digitally or paid by debit card. We do not work with cash
17 | What about the quartet final? Who can make it to the final?
The scores of the quartet competition on Friday determine the ‘top 6’ of the quartet competition. The 6 best scoring quartets from the Holland Harmony competition and the 6 best scoring quartets from the International competition will compete in the final on Saturday afternoon to compete for the gold, silver and bronze medal.
18 | When is the result of the quartet competition?
The results of the quartet competition will take place after the quartet final. The scores and rankings of all quartets will be announced after the final.
19 | Can my quartet/our choir qualify to go to a BHS International convention in America?
That’s possible. We use a double BHS panel, and then qualification is possible.
The choir must score a minimum percentage during the competitions of our festival. See the Contest Rules on the website.
20 | Is there another audience award?
This year there is no audience award, but a wildcard will be given to one choir or quartet. Who receives this wildcard is determined by a delegation of foreign barbershop organizations. It will be announced after the choir competition. The winner of the wildcard will get a spot on the Show of the Champions on Saturday.
21 | How does the feedback by the judges take place?
Each Holland Harmony choir and quartet receives contact details from a judge. After the Convention, you can contact them and then make a digital appointment.
22 | Can I still change the songs I have given or the order in which we sing them?
Yes, when you perform it on stage, the admin team selects the order of the songs as you sing them. The coordinator of the choir/quartet is given an explanation about giving up the songs
23 | Are curtains used on stage?
No curtains are used in the quartet competition. The judging starts with the arrival of the first quartet member.
Curtains are used in the choir competition. When the choir is ready, the choir is announced, the curtains open and from that moment on the judging starts.
24 | From which side do we get on stage, from which side do we go off again?
Choirs and quartets enter from the right and leave the stage on the left.
25 | How many risers are on stage?
There are 10 4-stage risers on stage. Most choirs use 3-stage, so be aware that the risers on stage are one row higher. They have backrails and siderails for security and the risers are neatly finished with voile cloths, which are exposed.
26 | How much space is there on stage in front of the risers?
The two extreme corners of the risers are 4.5 meters away from the stage edge. So you have about 3.5 to 4 meters of ‘leeway’ in front of the risers. The middle riser is even almost 8 meters away from the stage edge! Please note: there are microphones and monitors just in front of the edge of the stage!
Lunches / dinners / refreshments / prices
27 | Do I need to make a reservation for lunch and/or dinner?
If you want to use the buffets, you have to make a reservation. In Sing! Pitch 2 Sing! Pitch number 2describes in detail what the content of the buffets is, what it costs and how to order it. .
28 | Is there an alternative to the buffets?
Yes, there is plate service on Friday and Saturday. As long as there is stock, they can be ordered at the bar on the day itself. See also Sing! Pitch number 2 .
There are also to-go lunches available. You don’t have to order them in advance and they also can be enjoyed in the theater. You can also have lunch outside the theater in town (approx. 10 minutes walk to the center).
29 | Can I bring my own food and eat it in the theater?
No, that is not allowed.
30 | Can we sit together with a large group/the whole choir during lunch/dinner in the restaurant?
That depends on how busy it is at that time. Seats cannot be reserved.
31 | How are we supposed to pay for the drinks etc in the theater?
Payment is only made with pin/contactless.
32 | Can I bring my own water bottle?
No, the agreement with Orpheus is that you buy the first bottle of water from them. You can then refill it for free at water taps that you will find in various places.
33 | Are snacks for the tasty appetite for sale in the theater?
Yes, sweet and savoury snacks are available at the bar, and in the evening appetizers can also be ordered.
34 | I can’t come at the last minute, will I get a refund?
No, we do not give refunds. It is best to take out cancellation insurance to be able to reclaim the hotel, participation and accommodation costs in the event of an emergency.
35 | Can we still adjust the number of choir members after the registration closes?
Yes, you can: you can add until the first of Februar. Please contact us by email
36 | Do we have to register our conductor?
Yes, all people on stage must be registered, including the conductor!
37 | What is a scout?
A choir/quartet can bring a scout if desired. He or she can go to the stage exploration, accompany the choir/quartet and make sure they are in the right place on time. The scout is not a member of the choir and does not pay any registration costs, but does pay the costs for a passe-partout or for entrance tickets for the day that he/she is present.
38 | What is a courier?
A courier is someone who brings the choirs and quartets from their warm-up room to the stage on behalf of the organization of the convention.
39 | What is a Marshall?
A marshall is someone who stands at the entrance doors of the convention on behalf of the organization of the theater hall is allowed to let the audience in and out, check entrance ticketsLeaving the hall and entering is only allowed between two performances and during the breaks.
40 | What is a mw?
MW stands for mic-warmer: the choir or quartet that sings two songs before the competition really starts to give the jury the opportunity to check whether they are sitting properly, can see and hear everything well. A mw is assessed, but cannot win a prize.
Between the two songs of the micwarmer and possibly after the performance of the micwarmer, consultation may be necessary with, for example, technology to fine-tune the sound even further.
41 | What is an mc?
Mc stands for mic-cooler: the choir or quartet that sings a few songs after the competition. They are not judged, so that the jury has the opportunity to discuss the final result of the competition during that time.
42 | What is a MoC?
MoC stands for: Master of Ceremony: or the person who presents the competition or the show.
43 | What is a CoJ?
CoJ stands for Chairman of Judges. The judges sit in the front row. The CoJ collects the score sheets from the judges and takes them to the administration desk, where they are processed. The CoJ is responsible for the course and results of the competition from the start of the competition.
44 | Are there power coachings or feedback from the judges?
There are no power coachings, but there are two coachings under glass on Saturday afternoon after the choir competition. Consultations are still being held with the judges to see if there is any other way of providing feedback to the choirs and quartets.
Various information
45 | What is coaching under glass?
A quartet or choir is coached while the audience watches and listens, from which the audience can also learn a lot. See in the program when that takes place and with whom and by whom
46 | Can we afterglow in the theater?
On Friday and Saturday there is an afterglow. You just can pay your consumptions with pin
47 |Is there a program booklet?
No, we do not have a printed program booklet, but the programs and background information can be found on the app available via Appstore (Apple) and Google Playstore. Download the app in advance. The app will be active from about March 15. Tip: do you use the app in the venue? Set your backlight low. Bright light in a dark room is very disturbing to others.
48 | Will photos be taken?
Yes, during the competitions official photos will be taken by Edith Kool; the photos can be downloaded for free after the convention.
During the informal moments, such as afterglows and lunches etc., photos will be taken by Eric Ideler. These can also be downloaded for free afterwards.
49 | Are video and sound recordings made?
Yes, they will be uploaded later on the YouTube Channel of Holland Harmony.
50 | I signed up as a volunteer. What should I do, where should I report?
Thank you for wanting to help us. You will receive a schedule from us with the layout and the task/function to which you are assigned. For questions mail with
House Rules:
- Do not bring any refreshments into the venue (except for your water bottle)
- Always make sure you have your lanyard with you when you want to enter the venue
- Always turn off your phone before you enter the venue
- Don’t walk through the room for the jury and the admin team
- Do not speak to the jury when they are in the room at the front of the room
- When you want to leave the room, don’t get up until the song is over
- It is forbidden to take photos or videos in the venue itself